Tag: Critical Race Theory

The Truth Isn’t Anti-White. The Truth Is The Truth.

I wonder what America could be if it faced itself? What could America be if it taught real history? What could America be if we changed the landscape of our monuments to use them similar to the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe to tell the story of enslavement in America? What are we so afraid of? The truth isn’t what should divide us or cause fear. Learning the lessons the truth offers is what will bring us together if we ever want to move towards healing. However, one of the first steps of healing is acknowledging that something has happened. There is no healing without admitting and telling the truth. There is no healing without facing the truth. If America ever wants to be what it can be, we must tell the story accurately. 

Dear White People, Who Told You It Would Feel Good?

And my question to White people is, “Who told you it would feel good?” (Pause and answer that question. Sit and think about the person who told you it was going to feel good? Have you come up with any name? I want you to really reflect on who told you it was going to feel good.) Who made that promise to you because they told you incorrect information. Let me tell you the truth. Facing you is never easy.

Dear KYGOP, Stop Using The Fear of Black People To Keep You In Office.

It is easy to sit in some office and send out an email when you have no skin in the game, but Black people and others have given their very blood, sweat, and tears trying to impact this city and state. In 2020 we were fighting for our very right to breathe. We were fighting Breonna Taylor – for a 26-year-old Black woman murdered in her home. And we are still fighting to find some point of restoration and reconciliation. Something it would be wise for the Louisville GOP to contribute to for the betterment of this city. But that isn’t your goal. Your goal is division. Your goal is to sow and water seeds of racism. Tell me, Louisville GOP, what fruit do you want to bear within this city? HAVE YOU NOT SEEN ENOUGH?! Are you living in the same Louisville that I AM?! Because I am tired. I want to live somewhere, where every day isn’t a fight. Where every day I don’t have to try to prove to you that my life matters. I want to live somewhere, where those in positions of power are not working overtime to divide us. Where those in power are not sending out emails to scare people into hating me because I am Black. I want to live somewhere, where we are not fighting to survive but for once, just once, we ALL work TOGETHER to create a world where everyone can thrive.