Are You Suffering From Being “Excessively Black?”

Please know, being Excessively Black may lead to telling Karen to STFU, speaking about racism all the time, calling out racist bullshit. It may also lead to not giving a damn when confronting a racist, diarrhea of the mouth when calling a racist out, outstanding Twitter clapbacks, and dehydration from constantly drinking racist’s salty tears. If you feel like you are suffering from being Excessively Black, there is help. If you are experiencing symptoms of being Excessively Black, you do NOT have to suffer alone. Call 1-800-EFF-KARN for help!

Love, Trust, and Betrayal – The Evolution of Robin G.

But what do you do when heartbreak collides with your poetry?

What do you do when you get the phone call from the other woman?
What happens when a woman slides into your DM’s to let you know the person you sleep with every night has also been sleeping with them?
What happens when you see the text messages?
How do you process it when he is telling you the same things he tells her?
What do you do when the person you expected to spend your life with has shared themselves with another person?
What do you do when the love you had all seems like a lie?
How do you start to rebuild when the trust is broken?

Regarding Sen. Bill 211- You Got Me F*cked Up! Legislate That.

You do not get to demand that I respect my oppressor! You do not get to demand that I respect officers that have teargassed me for doing nothing but demanding justice! You do not get to demand that I respect the very people that are killing those that look like me! You do not have the luxury to sit in your ivory tower and write laws that demand that I respect people who have shown that they have absolutely no respect for Black people!

Dwelling In The Middle Is No Longer A Fucking Option

There is no middle ground when the color of my skin makes you send me death threats. I refuse to meet in the middle when my very life is at stake. I refuse to meet in the middle when the police are gunning down innocent Black people. I refuse to meet in the middle when people try to overthrow the government to keep a racist in office. I refuse to meet in the middle when there is no accountability!

Downtown Louisville Is Just Missing The Whites Only Signs

Louisville is in a position to either start redesigning downtown so that it will be inviting for all people to come or watch it continue to fail. The nation is changing and it no longer trends towards whitewashing. If Louisville wants to change the economics of downtown, it can no longer lead with whitewashing downtown. It can no longer lead with allowing businesses to take up residence downtown with racist policies.

It Is Time We Had A White History Month

This month, while I appreciate you learning about Black people, I am challenging you to learn about White people. Take the time to learn the TRUE story of White history. Don’t take the time to believe the made up history but look at White people’s reality in America. Don’t take the “this isn’t me” route, but look at White history as a whole. And go into it knowing the history will not be pretty. It is not a history laced with lemonade and apple pie. It is not the history that you have been taught in high school textbooks. But it a history that is filled with murder, mayhem, and pain. It is a history filled with the unimaginable suffering of Black people at the hands of White people. If White people take the time to do that, everything you wanted to know about Black people will become evident. You can never know me and the truth of Black History in America until you are ready to face yourself.