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We Rooting For Black People

When Issa Rae was asked at the Emmy’s last night, who she was rooting for, Issa gave the most unapologetically Black answer I could have hoped for.  “I am rooting for everybody Black. I am.” Black America cheered, and White America cried.  And I laughed as I watched her clip over and over again!  For those who claim her statement  would be racist if a White person said it, look it would be redundant for a White person to say, “I am rooting for a White person,” when White people are typically always nominated in EVERY SINGLE CATEGORY. If you were to randomly pull names from a hat for someone to win an Emmy 9 times out of 10, it would be a White person.

So stop crying, “racism.” Newsflash White America, we are ALWAYS rooting for the Black people.*

I don’t care what it is.

Oscars? We rooting for the Black people. I don’t care if it’s some obscure award and the person that won won’t even get on stage, we are rooting for them.

Emmy’s? We rooting for the Black people.

MTV Music Awards? We rooting for the Black people.

Grammy’s? We rooting for the Black people. And while I’m at it, Adele still didn’t deserve album of the year, and I will never forget! Beyonce deserved that award for Lemonade, and you know it!

If it is Family Feud?  We rooting for the Black people.

New Black film? We are rooting for Black people.

Jeopardy? We rooting for the Black person to win.

Track and Field?  Not like there was really a chance anyways but just in case, we rooting for the Black people.

I have replayed this video at least a HUNDRED TIMES and laugh every single time! It is symbolic of the world. White people, teaming up EVEN WITH  THEIR COMPETITOR because they are so confident they are going to win and a Black woman comes and snatches the crown. The look of surprise is beautiful because they NEVER expected a Black woman to win.

New Fenty Beauty makeup line? We rooting for Black people.

A pie baking contest? We rooting for the Black people.

A hot dog eating contest? We rooting for the Black people.

Underwater basket weaving? We rooting for the Black people.

And some of y’all have said this is racist. How many times must I go over the definition of racism? Look, I don’t CARE if you think this is racist.  It isn’t.

For the fact that in 2017 and we can still say “the first Black person to __________________________ (fill in the blank)” shows you WHY we ARE ROOTING FOR BLACK PEOPLE! Black people have been in America for almost 400 years, and it is still likely if you do ANYTHING, you will be the first Black person to achieve it. Not because Black people are not smart, gifted, intelligent or creative but because Black people have not been afforded the same opportunities as White people due to systemic racism.

We are rooting for Black people to stand in places our ancestors suffered and bled and died for!

We are rooting for Black people because we stand on the shoulders of so many Black people that came before us, that marched, that protested, that endured so that they could kick open the door for us!

We are rooting for Black people because White people have made billions off our ingenuity and creativity without ever allowing us to profit from our own gifts and just be great!

We are rooting for Black people because for too long our talent, wisdom, and intelligence have been overlooked!

We are rooting for Black people because White America has co-opted our culture for their gain!

We are rooting for Black people because we know if we don’t stand up for our own people, no one will!

We are rooting for Black people because we know how it is to stand in a space and be the first to ever stand in that position!

We are rooting for Black people because we understand a Black person that achieves anything has had  to work twice as hard to have a fraction of the opportunity given to a White person.

So yes, White America, we are rooting for Black people to dream, to persevere and to win. Every. Single. Time.

*Disclaimer: On behalf of Black America we ARE NOT rooting for Omarosa, Sheriff Clarke, Ben Carson, and Black Police Showing Out For the White Cops.

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